Our strength:
1. Our team has more than 25 years experience in IPC and PC. We understand our
    client's needs, provide product solutions and respond to our clients fast.

2. Based on client's needs, We hold limited stocks in order to shorten the production
   time and support client's urgent needs if required.

3.  According to client's product design and alterations, we access the possibility and
    provide product samples.

4.  We support the product development and simplification for our clients. Also simplify
    the production and preparation for them.

5.  We have completed quality control process to ensure our products not only meet
     but exceed all requirements.

6.  Amos has a flat company structure so we respond to change in real time. We believe
     that customer satisfaction is the key to success. We want our customers to feel valued.
     In order to strike speed and through service.